Health & Beauty in Leicester

Here you can find local health & beauty in leicester businesses listed in our UK business directory. Do you own a business related to health & beauty in leicester? Claim your free health & beauty in leicester business listing in this section today!

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Amedics Clinic - Leicester Business Directory

Amedics Clinic


Practising privately since 2018, Dr Ameera is renowned for the natural and subtle looks that she creates, she uses a holistic approach to treating the...

Hospitals & Healthcare, Leicester 18 Elmfield Avenue, LE2 1RD | Leicester Health & Beauty

Local Business by Home Vaccinations - Leicester Business Directory

Home Vaccinations


Vaccination is important as it protects us from various harmful diseases. But it is just too taxing to go to a clinic or hospital to take a vaccine. H...

Hospitals & Healthcare, Leicester 13 St. Saviours Road, LE5 3GE | Leicester Health & Beauty

Pod Chiropody & Laser Clinic - Leicester Business Directory

Pod Chiropody & Laser Clinic


At Pod we see first-hand the misery that embarrassing, unsightly and painful fungal nails, warts and verruca cause. They can sap self confidence and i...

Alternative Therapists, Leicester 158 Upper New Walk, LE1 7QA | Leicester Health & Beauty

Local Business by Simon Coope Karate School - Loughborough Business Directory

Simon Coope Karate School


Add a new feather to your hat of skills by enrolling in our local karate classes at Simon Coope Karate Classes. Our karate lessons in Loughborough are...

Fitness & Exercise, Leicester Loughborough Leisure Centre, Browns Lane, Leicester, LE11 3HE | Loughborough Health & Beauty

Local Business by Bump2baby Scans - Leicester Business Directory

Bump2baby Scans


Bump2baby Scans is a Private Pregnancy Ultrasound clinic based in Leicester, Leicestershire. Our aim is to enable parents to have access to ultrasound...

Pregnancy & Birth, Leicester 99 Bakrby Road, LE4 9LG | Leicester Health & Beauty